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About Us

History and present day of KMITEX

We are focused on manufacturing, selling and servicing which includes calibration of measuring devices and instruments too. Our time comes when fractions of millimetres are crucial for the devices or instruments to function and for their safety and effectiveness.

Perfection has been our mission since 1995. Since then, we have managed to establish an extensive network in Czech Republic, Europe and Worlwide. We also work with major manufacturers and suppliers of measuring devices.

You can find company's headquarters in Stehelčeves, Czech Republic. You can place orders online, but you can also order our measuring devices with calibration and other services at our branch in Prague. Our manufacturing is based in Bytča, Slovakia. All our employess at all touchpoints are prepared to help you to select and adequate measuring device or help with specific custom-made instruments/devices.

Tradition adn Quality

When manufacturing our products, we use well established technology and processes. This approach quarantees quality of our products that are long lasting. Our employess are experts in the field with many years of experience. Combination of knowledge, modern technology and high quality processes results in our devices and instruments being the highest quality in the field and the makes us a market leade in the industry with over 25 year's experience.

Servicing and Calibration

Servicing and calibration of measuring devices is the foundation of our activities. We belive in quality of our products and we provide warranty plus post warranty servicing of KMITEX measuring instruments. Custom-made products are also available. We calibrate measuring devices in a certified laboratory and the issued calibration protocols are valid across the EU.



